Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oysters and Cool White Wine

We ended our two weeks of Fat Flushing [see below] on Thursday, but we didn't celebrate until Friday evening. Being that we live on the Prairie, we had to order our oysters ahead of time, which we did through our local grocer. There was some concern that somehow the hurricanes might affect one's ability to obtain raw oysters that were safe to eat. Nevertheless, on Friday we left work early and picked up two dozen East Coast Bluepoint oysters on ice. Earlier in the week we bought wine from our local wineshop, and we stopped in the bakery for a fresh boule. Armed with a Hendricks martini for me and a Manhattan for my husband, we started shucking.

I used our sole oyster knife (which has, before now, been used annually when my husband prepares Oysters Rockefeller on Christmas Eve) and my husband used a screwdriver and a butter knife, both with great effect. :-P I don't generally touch food, except to eat it (i.e., I don't cook), and my husband was amazed by my native shucking ability. Finally, all was ready:
Here I am sucking the marrow out of life:
DH adds some tabasco to his oyster:
All washed down with Muscadet:


pve design said...

love oysters and white wine. looks lovely.

Jennie said...

Check out the website www.rawoysteralert.com. I was shocked to learn that several individuals die each year from the consumption of raw oysters that are contaminated with naturally occurring Vibrio bacteria. Some gulf states have chosen to not take action in order to make raw oysters safe for ALL consumers.

Several years ago, the state of California made a requirement that all imported raw oysters must be pasteurized and since that requirement was put into place there have been NO FURTHER DEATHS in that state.

In order to affect change, consumers need to only accept oysters that are SAFE through post harvest processing or through being cooked. Consumer demand drives the market and the industry would be forced to provide oysters that did not lead to unnecessary deaths.

The website www.rawoysteralert.com has a wealth of information available and also explains how you can help in making the consumption of oysters safe for everyone.

CashmereLibrarian said...

Well, you all have now been warned...

Easy and Elegant Life said...

That's livin'! Congratulations on your firm resolve, too.